Soke Myloreal Anderson


A Letter To My Students

Students Since Founded: 8,000 +

I am a master student. You can live a thousand years on this earth and still not master life, so how can you master martial arts? To exist is to change and to change is to mature, so a master student will continue to mature and create oneself endlessly. Martial arts is forever evolving; therefore, I will forever train in everything I do until I die and my students should do the same. The road to success leads through the valley of humility, and the path is up the mountain of patience and time, but time is determined by the student's dedication to training. No shortcut has been discovered because there isn't one. Focus on being blessed to live a long enough life to be able to pass on what you have learned to someone else who is willing to listen, learn, and teach what you have taught them. Remember, you can only live on past your natural life through the memories and lessons you have passed along to others. There is no such thing as a bad student, only a bad teacher. Therefore, there is nothing that we cannot achieve as long as we have an understanding of our potential. We can do and be anything we want with hard work and dedication. If you understand this then you know that you have the ability to be the person that you were meant to be. You will undoubtedly reach your full potential mentally, spiritually, and physically by following our 36 laws. Nonetheless, our spirits, life, and being are like fingerprints...there are no duplicates. 

Soke Myloreal Anderson